張貼人:臺灣數學教師期刊 ╱ 公告日期:2024-11-29 臺灣數學教師第44卷第2期(2024/10) 全文 / Full text
從數學素養看長度教材發展及線段圖解題 / Teaching Material Development of Length Concept from the Perspective of Mathematical Literacy and its Use as a Problem-Solving Tool
甯平獻、張淑怡 / Ping-Xian Ning、Shu-I
Chang ………………………………………………......................................................................1
數學體現活動教學之研究-以二年級長度測量為例 / Research on the Teaching of Mathematics Embodied Activities - Taking Length Measurement in Second Grade
楊芷欣、陳嘉皇 / Yang, Zhi-Xin、Chen, Chia Huang …………………........................................16