- Personal Presentations -
These activities aim at providing the opportunity to individual PME members to present their work and share their ideas with colleagues from over the world. Each participant is allowed to present only one research report or short oral, and can appear as co-author at most three times. No one should have his or her name on the programme more than four times (although more than four submissions are possible).
Notifications of decisions of the International Program Committee to accept or reject the proposal were available by April, 2012. The detailed reviews are available in the ConfTool system website at http://www.conftool.com/pme36/ (author’s personal page).
In order for an accepted proposal to appear in the proceedings the presenting author(s) must pay the total Conference fee no later than May 16th, 2012. (The Conference Deposit already paid by the presenting author(s) for the Pre-Registration is NON-REFUNDABLE.)
Research Report (RR)
Research Reports (RR) should deal with topics related to the major goals of the IGPME. Reports should state what is new in the research, how it builds on past research, and/or how it has developed new directions and pathways. Some level of critique must exist in all papers.
The deadline for the submission of RR proposals was January 15th, 2012. The number of submitted proposals was 224, and 117 were accepted.
Each RR presentation will be allotted a total time of 40 minutes: 20 minutes for the oral presentation and 20 minutes for questions and comments.
For more information, please contact the Conference Scientific Secretariat at: scpme36@gmail.com.